Yen Yang is a filmmaker and cross-media artist (very cross when he can’t get WordPress to work)! He is a graduate of the Australian Film Television Radio School (AFTRS).
*Disclaimer 1
Resemblance disclaimer: The events, characters and firms depicted on this website are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual firms, is purely coincidental.
**Disclaimer 2
Advice and Humour Disclaimer: The advice on this website is meant for the purposes of humour only, and is not meant as real advice.
If you do not find the content funny, no offence is ever intended, but if offended please accept this disclaimer as a blanket apology.
If you remain offended, or cannot tell the difference between a) what is intended as humour and b) what might be intended as real advice (which this website is not), you should ask your doctor a) if this humour is right for you or b) ‘What is humour?’ No doubt they will provide you with a series of terrible jokes.***
Common side effects include i) a sudden impulse to troll in the comments section with terrible spelling ii) gagging, and iii) the ennui of long repressed self-abhorrence. If such reactions persist, we advise respectively:
i) Use a spellchecker
ii) Turn the gag into a puke. Better out than in.
iii) A Bex and a lie-down.
If you do find this content funny, we recommend the same.
We are an inclusive and equal opportunity offender. Should this website have omitted anyone, please contact us with a (spell-checked) description.
***No offence is intended towards doctors. Some of my best friends are doctors (if you are one of them, please refer to Disclaimer 1 above) and they all tell amazing jokes.
****No animals were harmed in the making of this disclaimer.